Want a sexy look?

For a sexy look, you only need 2 items (ask a man):

1. Red lipstick, red is the best color which makes your lips attractive. Not a fan of true red, use a matte red. Varieties include blue-reds which are suitable for darker skin tones and orange-red for olive skin tones.

2. Wear a pair of sunglasses. You’ll generate mystery. Combine these two and you’ll look sexy…

I tried this out. I hardly ever wear lipstick but I thought I would like to see if it really works. On a sunny Saturday morning I leave the house wearing my big pair of sunglasses and a shiny red color on my lips. I hardly left the house and men in their cars were looking at me as I never noticed before. Neighbors who were not really friendly before greeted me with a very friendly “Good morning”. I could not believe my eyes nor ears. This trick is really working. So for the ladies who like to attract male attention, this is the way to go. Good luck and share your experience.